Dear Sirs,
I write you to express my deep concern and sadness regarding the abominable project of dam on Ganga which is according to me a severe and criminal attempt to Indian (and humanity's) natural, cultural and spiritual treasure.
India is a leading country of the present and the future. As such, it must be proud to act as a leader, an example to the world in the way to combine respect of traditions and economical progress. India is full of inventive brains who are willling to invent and develop eco friendly technics to supply energy and sustain the growth of the country on a fair basis for all the creatures, as well as for the Creation.
Please don't let Ganga die. Please hear our plead and support our claim to stop that awful project which will have terrible consequences on people's life, on nature. So many people from all over India, and from all over the world come alongside Ganga to find peace, to learn and keep vedic traditions alive... where will they go now ?? We are all children of Ganga, please support us. Please support the call of the lovers of the Himalayas, please support all the shyshias of the vedic traditions.
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